
One match away to a better tech job

We only show you offers that match what you want & you know and you decide, swiping right, if you want to start chatting with the companies

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How Joppy works

Quick set up 🏎️

Create your profile in less than 2 min, your information will remain anonymous until you make a match. We only ask for the essential info to set up your perfect match. Say goodbye to endless CVs!

Set your profile
Profile configuration screen on the platform
Offer screen on the platform

Match offers 🎯

Get only offers that match you. Our matching system will only show you relevant offers. Simply swipe right on the ones that catch your interest.

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Direct chat 💬

Start the hiring process by connecting directly with companies. Get all your questions answered without any intermediaries.

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Chats on the platform
Google Play Store button
Apple App Store button

Who has worked with us

Get rewarded

100€ in Amazon

If you're hired through Joppy, we'll give you a €100 Amazon gift card

50€ Project Support

We'll also donate €50 to the charity of your choice or an Open Source Project

Projects helped

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